Health and Safety Policy

South Molton Strugglers

Health and Safety Policy

As a club affiliated to England Athletics we apply their policies as shown on their website.  In particular we want everybody who participates in our club to do so in a safe and fun environment. It is therefore important that we all apply best practice for the health and safety of our members. 


Responsibility for the operation of this policy rests with the Committee led by the Chair.  The Committee will review this policy annually.  


Our policy is to reduce the risk of accidents or injury to club members or members of the public whilst engaging in club activities.

Arrangements for Health and Safety

The Committee prepares a risk assessment annually or more often if considered necessary, which includes actions taken to mitigate perceived risks.  This is available to members on request to any committee member.

All members are responsible for their own personal safety and, within reason, the safety of those around them.  The Club publishes Guidance for Runners and for Run Leaders on the website and members are expected to be aware of these and to support club officials in ensuring club activities take place safely.

Any concerns regarding health and safety should be reported to a run leader or committee member.